Good Bye Mickey – The Final Day!

The 3rd M barely slept on his final night in the hotel. A little grumpy, he entered the park. And then saw these two critters playing around….


Faster than you could say “M-O-U-S-E”, the third M ran over to say ‘hi’. After a few hugs and kisses from Chip (or Dale?), I caught this shot, which shows his mad grin from ear to ear.


I slipped in a selfie with Mr. Duck and Gra’Ma and then back to see what the 3rd M was doing.


That’s when both Chip and Dale decided the 3rd M was their man and walked him all around the main square on Main Street. They giggled and jumped and hugged and kissed him for about 20 min. Unfortunately, I thought I caught it all on video. But I didn’t. Boo! I did get this priceless picture, though.


I want to point out that they pretty much ignored all the other people who wanted to see them.  But boy, was the third M super happy after that! All grumpiness forgotten!

We spent the next few hours exploring the park and then having lunch. With no nap, the 3rd M ran from New Orleans Square to Tomorrowland, up and down a bunch of ramps (because Tomorrowland has a slew of them) and then, after riding the monorail, he ran from Downtown Disneyland back to the hotel! That was probably a good two miles.


Then we head off to the airport, which may have been the second best part of the day because we watched airplanes of all sizes taking off and landing. The 3rd M labeled each plane a plane for him, Gra’Ma, Gra’Pa, Mommie or Daddy.



Still hoping for a nap (and shocked there wasn’t one), the 2nd M, gave him a binkie and spoke to him softly. Somehow, on the hour and a half plane ride home, he was still awake. The 1st M and Gra’Pa picked us up and he still stayed awoke, chatting furiously. But when he got back home, and put his head on the pillow. He was out dreaming of 7 foot tall Chipmunks in no time.



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