Note how he is face down, knees slightly tucked under him, one sock on one sock off. He wiggles a lot, but most of that wiggling’s intent is to move forward, hence the strategically placed pillows. The two red ones stop him from banging his head against the walls. The brown one is a hot water bottle, which believe it or not, keeps him from seeking out mom’s or dad’s warm body at 3am. And the green one? Well we had an extra one and with pillows it’s always “The More the Merrier.”
You’ll also note the Binky isn’t needed as much and he’s kind of self soothing now. (For those not in the know, “self soothing” is the Nirvana that all parents try to attain, but are incapable of achieving.)
Uh oh! He just whacked his head against the wall and smiled at me.
Moments from now he’ll be crawling over. Gotta run….