This is how the 3rd M Sleeps

Note how he is face down, knees slightly tucked under him, one sock on one sock off. He wiggles a lot, but most of that wiggling’s intent is to move forward, hence the strategically placed pillows. The two red ones stop him from banging his head against the walls. The brown one is a hot water bottle, which believe it or not, keeps him from seeking out mom’s or dad’s warm body at 3am. And the green one? Well we had an extra one and with pillows it’s always “The More the Merrier.”

You’ll also note the Binky isn’t needed as much and he’s kind of self soothing now. (For those not in the know, “self soothing” is the Nirvana that all parents try to attain, but are incapable of achieving.)

Uh oh! He just whacked his head against the wall and smiled at me.
Moments from now he’ll be crawling over. Gotta run….



Take your hand out of your mouth to hold your breath
Not so sure about this position mom

3rd M has started his swimming lessons. The first day was more for us than him but after going fully underwater he had no idea why we were cheering… “That was easy!” He loves the water just like his dad.

Videos: I got a new iPad

For those that don’t know, we left my iPad in Montenegro. I’ve since gotten a new one and now can take fun videos of 3M.  I’ve forgotten the timing a bit, so the broll is cutting off the video a bit, but you can still enjoy his cute little face without a perfectly timed storyboard. Meanwhile, if this post works, there will be more! (And we take requests.)


Unloading the Dishwasher

Well, the 3rd M (aka Newt) has really been super into unloading the dishwasher. This is great because it means I don’t have to bend over!

Note how he waves the knives around. Enough to put fear in the heart of any parent! Luckily, though, no stabbings of himself or the dog have taken place. Worst case scenario has been it winds up in his mouth or on the floor.

2014-10-10 07.49.18 2014-10-10 07.49.13 2014-10-10 07.49.09

A Few Steps


Guess who took his first steps last night. The little guy above did! It was not far, 2 unsupported steps, and only a parent would make a big deal out of it but after months of always hanging on to everything, 3rd M crossed the chasm. I did not have the camera ready but we sure cheered for him. 3rd M did not think it was a big deal. I do not think he realized he had achieved anything different. It was simply a few steps.