
On our vacation, we flew on six planes. Since then, the 3rd M has been fascinated with “Apkees”. What’s an Apkee, you ask? Well, first the 2nd M thought it was helicopters…and it was, but now she has come to realize that it is airplanes as well.

The great news for a near-two-year old is that we live under the flight path of a major international airport and one regional airport, so dinner times in the summer mean at least three jets flying overhead and a few smaller ones. On special days, we’ll see helicopters, too!

Mom/Dad, there is an APKEE!!!!
Image result for airplane
Oh look another one!
Oh look another one!


Wow, it's a really BIG one.
Wow, it’s a really BIG one.
What's that big white line behind it?
What’s that big white line behind it?


Contrails you say? Interesting.
Oh my! Now there is another, noisier Apkee!
Oh my! Now there is another, noisier Apkee!

Dora the Explorer

The 3rd M is sharing his likes and dislikes with us more and more.

Likes: “Crackers” (really, oatmeal raisin powerbars), Apkees (Airplanes/helicopters), aqua (to drink, to dump, to splash in) and school (he loves his friends and his teachers and learning in general).

Dislikes: Getting his diaper changed, mommie leaving, being told “no”.


He loves books and will frequently ask you to read him a book. Typically, it’s a Dora The Explorer book. He’s a big fan. He can say “Map” and points to his back whenever Dora opens up her Backpack. He also speaks Spanish, so he fits right in with his Latina “brethren”.   He even knows where to find all of Dora’s books when the 2nd M hides them in the bookshelf because she’s sick of reading them. Smart kid.


Repetition aside, the 2nd M would much rather the 3rd M like Dora,  who is independent minded, adventurous, generous and has plenty of friends; over characters like Cinderella whose self-worth is dictated by a man (the Prince) whom she meets, falls in love and gets married to faster than you can spell her name.

That said, the 3rd M did point to Cinderella’s picture in the book and say “mommie.”




Walking to the Broncos stadium

Since we haven’t had a long walk since our trip, the 2nd M and the 3rd M walked to Broncos Stadium. It’s a healthy walk (30-40 min) and we had an adventure along the way.

Along the way, the 3rd M was fascinated rocks and the trolly tracks, but most of all, with the roller coasters from Elitch Gardens across the river! .




What’s that awesome noise?


It’s a roller coaster.


Cool, I’ve never seen one of those before.


Oh wait! Where did it go?


Oh whew! It’s back again.


It’s going away again.


I think it’s time to hit the road again.


Let’s pick up the pace, mom. `



We made it!