Category Archives: 3rd M

Dora the Explorer

The 3rd M is sharing his likes and dislikes with us more and more.

Likes: “Crackers” (really, oatmeal raisin powerbars), Apkees (Airplanes/helicopters), aqua (to drink, to dump, to splash in) and school (he loves his friends and his teachers and learning in general).

Dislikes: Getting his diaper changed, mommie leaving, being told “no”.


He loves books and will frequently ask you to read him a book. Typically, it’s a Dora The Explorer book. He’s a big fan. He can say “Map” and points to his back whenever Dora opens up her Backpack. He also speaks Spanish, so he fits right in with his Latina “brethren”.   He even knows where to find all of Dora’s books when the 2nd M hides them in the bookshelf because she’s sick of reading them. Smart kid.


Repetition aside, the 2nd M would much rather the 3rd M like Dora,  who is independent minded, adventurous, generous and has plenty of friends; over characters like Cinderella whose self-worth is dictated by a man (the Prince) whom she meets, falls in love and gets married to faster than you can spell her name.

That said, the 3rd M did point to Cinderella’s picture in the book and say “mommie.”




Walking to the Broncos stadium

Since we haven’t had a long walk since our trip, the 2nd M and the 3rd M walked to Broncos Stadium. It’s a healthy walk (30-40 min) and we had an adventure along the way.

Along the way, the 3rd M was fascinated rocks and the trolly tracks, but most of all, with the roller coasters from Elitch Gardens across the river! .




What’s that awesome noise?


It’s a roller coaster.


Cool, I’ve never seen one of those before.


Oh wait! Where did it go?


Oh whew! It’s back again.


It’s going away again.


I think it’s time to hit the road again.


Let’s pick up the pace, mom. `



We made it!

New Words and such

The 1st and 2nd M (that’s me) got to spend 24 hours a day for over two weeks with the 3rd M.  We were impressed by the tremendous improvement of his skills since he started school three months ago. Even during the trip, it was amazing how many more words he picked up, too.

* He seems to be picking up the concept of counting and can count in Spanish to two.

* He understands colors, can match them and can say a few. At dinner, we would often pull out color swatches and make him match them. He even got various shades of green or orange correctly. We know he’s not color blind!

* At at pharmacy, once woman gave him some colorful cards for him to match. I thought they were two advanced for him, but he got them right 95% of the time! (Proud mom, here.) That was a frequent plane game on the trip. He even matched the harder versions where the bugs are the same, but the background is different.

* I also think that he might get the concept of a Map. At a minimum, he gets that you point at a map and say something. Then you point away. I’ll create a little map of the backyard this weekend and see if he can correlate it to the real backyard. At a minimum he gets abstract concepts.


* Speaking of abstract concepts, he gets pictures of things even if they don’t look remotely the same. We have a black and white paper tiger mask that we put on and growl behind. (We call it the Scottish Wildcat..a joke from a previous trip to Scotland.) The 3rd M, saw a orange and black stuffed animal on a car on top of someone’s hood and made the same Scottish Wildcat noise and sign! They don’t look remotely the same. I know the teachers have been going over animals with him at school, but I was impressed he gets the abstract matching concepts.

*  Words. Words and more words. His vocabulary mushroomed on the trip. Perhaps because it was a trip, we frequently said “Oh, look a car!” Or “Oh look the beach!” The 3rd M said to us, “Oh look a horse!” (and made up his own horse sign language symbol.) and “Oh look a train!” and showed us a sign, which turns out was the correct sign symbol. (He picked that one up a school.)

CLICK HERE FOR A VIDEO of him signing Happy Birthday and saying his new words!

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I Don’t Know

For a long time I tried to capture this gesture that 3rd M was making. After many failed attempts, I finally got a few good shots and then never made a post. So as a lead up to our big trip this year here is the “I don’t know”.

Oops missed that one
Hey M, where is the dog?
Where is your hat?
Where is your binky?


Someday it would be fun to capture him playing hide and seek with his binky when he wakes up. Unless someone is secretly recording the camera in his room though, I do not think that is going to happen.


3rd M what have you done!



You are covered in blood. What did you do!


Did you do it in the garage?



You used the hammer,







and wrenches.



And then you dragged the body down the alley.


Oh wait, you went to the farmers market and ate all the cherries. Honey, get the hose!

Yummy Raspberries!

The Second M found these wonderful dried fruit and vegetables from the store. Normally the Third M loves eating peas, but in the last few days he was crazy about the Raspberries and Strawberries. Not the evidence on this picture! You would say that he was caught ‘red-handed’, too. (But I couldn’t get a picture of that. )


raspberry face

Happy Birthday!!

The 3rd M is listening intently to everything we’re saying and speaking up! Most of the time, it’s this amazing little semi-monologue where he gabbers away and tells us about…well, we don’t know what, but he’s really animated!

More and more he’s repeating what we’re saying.  I’m amazed I got this one on video. We were creating a Happy Birthday video for Aunt Lynn and during the second take, he started saying “Happy Birthday”, but I didn’t catch it at first. (It was pretty clear, too.)

Go, 3rd M, go!


Knock Knock

After school when the weather is nice we usually walk around the block. 3rd M likes to visit with his best friend Miss O. He walks right up the stairs and bangs on the front door. Unfortunately no one was home.







3rd M likes to inspect the work 1st M is doing in the shop. He also likes to play with 1st M’s toys and wear his ear muffs while doing it. It has been cold and the dog hat with the ear muffs made for a great combination.





New School!

It’s been a wild few weeks as we thought that we could enroll the 3rd M in preschool when he turned two. That’s six months from now, so we thought we were ahead of the curve! Not so! All the good schools have a 1-2 year waiting list. Luckily, the 2nd M was not deterred and she rushed around for a week researching and calling schools and touring them with the 3rd M. She determined that Montessori would be best for him, but really wanted a dual-language program. (He already understands Spanish, so, let’s keep that going.)


She found a dual-language Montessori in the local area on a Saturday and it turns out that a friend of hers in on the board. On Sunday, the board member told her all about the school, but that it had a waiting list. The 2nd M called the school Monday morning and they said at 8am that they had an immediate opening, but that she had to let them know by 4pm if they were going to take it! So, after consulting with the 1st M, they enrolled the 3rd M!

This is the end of his first week and he LOVES it! The teachers (one Mexican, one Honduran) said the 3rd M is very happy, helpful and social. He loves washing his hands at the sinks, loves the gym and enjoys playing his music on their CD Player. He can do all these things by himself (except walk to the gym.) He also loves to help set the table, prepare food and eat. The 2nd M is thrilled because the school has catered lunch by an excellent company, Michael’s of Denver, that serves the kids organic and local foods and bakes their own bread. (They even has a blog post about why gluten and wheat are bad! Click here if you are curious!!) So things like humus and vegetable salads are on the menu. The 1st M loves the fact that they’re potty training right away, so, fewer diapers for the wash!

Meanwhile, the 3rd M comes home and he’s calmer. It’s obvious he needed the intellectual and social stimulation.

It’s been great, but the 2nd M did loose a lot of sleep. The transition was harder on her than the 3rd M. Typical.


Sometimes 3rd M wants to dress himself. Today was no exception and when I came home from work he was in rare form. Even Suri was not sure what to make of him. He sure loves his snow boots!




Since he was born, the 3rd M has been attending our monthly neighborhood socials (called HUNI hours.) In this last one, the 3rd M decided to walk out into the open during the raffle prize announcements. Perhaps it was because he wanted the microphone.

Everyone whipped out their smart phones to take a picture. He couldn’t resist mugging for the camera. (See below.)


Later, he sweet talked the HUNI Membership volunteer to let him up on his lap so he could play with his computer and mouse. He’s cute and he puts that to use. It’s all about the end game.

HUNI hour

Boat Boxes and other fun things

The 1st & 2nd Ms devise increasingly more complicated (and more dangerous?) activities to keep the 3rd M engaged. He’s a busy little bee and if we don’t want all the items in every drawer removed and then randomized throughout the house, we’ve got to keep him occupied. (So far, we’ve found chicken and crackers in with the kindling for the fireplace, his binkies in with the 2nd M’s makeup and little shoes underneath the bed.)

Our latest, devised in collaboration with 2nd & 3rd Ms is Stroller Racing and the Boat Box. See here:

We then progressed to Speed Boat Box Racing. You really need to be in repose for the aerodynamic nature of the sport. Luckily, the 3rd M doesn’t get too upset when the 2nd M bashes his head into a corner or a chair. Perhaps this sport should have a helmet?

Try to keep up…(It’s really fast!)

The Denver Zoo

The 2nd M took the 3rd M to the Zoo one day. It was a beautiful day and he enjoyed walking around and being zoomed about in his stroller. (The 2nd M got plenty of exercise running.) He enjoyed the bird pavilion, but his favorite?

Banging on the trash cans every five feet.

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Firetrucks have nobs!

The Denver Childrens’ Museum is a wonderful place to explore, socialize (and catch a cold.) When not ill, The Third M, loves to explore. On this day, in early February, he was particularly interested in the Firetruck.

The nobs, the buttons, the dials, the lights! so fun! The 3rd M even took a moment to hug the fire dog.

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Makeup & Tampons

The bathroom is one of 3rd M’s favourite places because of all the fun stuff in the baskets.




This morning there was a trail of tampons leading out of the bathroom. It made it easy to find him but unfortunately I did not get a photo.